This is the story .

Created by gregdutfield 9 years ago
From the beginning of our Friendship at Furze Platt Comprehensive School I first met Ralph in September 1973 as tender first years. In our class was Ralph, me, Greg, Yougi, Dickie, Gantey, Boggy, Jenny, Kazz, Donna, as for the rest, they didn’t really matter to us. The boys of that class struck up a friendship which would last for the next five years. We all got up to various pranks but Ralph never ever appeared to get caught?? He was to sharp, to clever and to smart. Even in those tender years Ralph demonstrated his courage and bravery, which we are to familiar with now. He had several girlfriends and became a player in this arena. After school and during the holidays we would spend our time, larking about in Cookham at The Alfred Major Park and down by the river, or over at Cockmarsh. Ralph and I lost contact as I went to The South of France for 10 years and Ralph went onto meeting and marrying his amazing wife Heather and bringing up two fabulous children, a tribute and credit to you and Heather. We reunited, typically in The Golden Harp for school reunion, it was like turning back the clock. We talked about the past and the early days, they were fantastic. We have met up since, a couple of times more and I will remember our times and recent times forever. I’ll miss you mate but I’ll never forget you.....A kiss from me, much love, David Gibbons – Class of 1973 - 1978